Controversial New REPORT from Porter Stansberry reveals one of history's most closely-guarded WEALTH-BUILDING secrets


An investment so perfect and with returns so endless only God could have created it


An investment so perfect and with returns so endless only God could have created it

Dear Reader, 

It’s one of the oldest forms of finance… 

An ancient type of commerce tracing its origins back thousands of years… and it has created more wealth than any other human endeavor. 
Throughout almost all of civilization it has existed in one form or another, almost as if put there by a divine hand. 

References to it can be found in the writings of ancient Babylon, China, India, and other early civilizations…  

The Bible, the Quran, the Torah, and even the Buddhist Holy book, the Tripitaka, pay homage to the power of this industry.

Generation after generation of wise men and women have used it to amass vast fortunes – safely and ethically. 

Even today, it continues to create enormous wealth for those who understand it and use it. 

Unfortunately, not many do…   

Knowledge of this ancient form of finance is one of the most closely guarded financial secrets… 

A secret used almost exclusively by a small coterie of elite investors to protect and grow their wealth through good times and bad. 

However, while this investment has been the reserve of the financial elites for hundreds of years… you don’t need to be wealthy to use it.

It’s open to everyone… and has the potential to transform the fortunes of anyone who is willing to believe in it…  


One man, a failed political speechwriter – who you'll meet later – used it to become one of the wealthiest men in the country.  

Another man, a 50-year-old accountant, used it to build a $38 billion behemoth in the aftermath of a financial crisis. 

Or – my personal favorite – the story of a Jewish immigrant who arrived in New York with nothing to his name…

And with this beautiful form of ancient finance he transformed himself from penniless immigrant to multi-millionaire. 

What’s perhaps most incredible though… 

Is that while these men – and many others – have used this to build colossal fortunes for themselves and their families… 

They did it while supporting millions of people…

Providing those in need with financial security, support, and peace of mind… 

Not through charity or philanthropy – although they did a lot of that too – but through the unique characteristics of this asset. 

You see, unlike practically every other aspect of our corrupted financial system… this ancient form of finance exists purely to serve others.  

It is a genuinely divine form of wealth… one that is so perfect, so altruistic, and so timeless it is as though it was created by God. 

And by using God’s Investment, I believe you have the potential to not only grow your wealth exponentially in the years ahead... 

But to do it with the knowledge you are acting in accordance with Hebrews 13:16…

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Now, whether you believe God played a role in the creation of this investment or not is up to you. 

Whatever you believe doesn’t change the fact that the returns available are so safe, secure, and endless that it may as well be a financial miracle. 

Because just as Jesus transformed five loaves and two fish into enough food to feed a starving crowd of 5,000 worshippers… 

This ancient form of finance is a way for you to multiply a small amount of money over and over again, regardless of what’s going on in the world. 

Sky-high inflation… interest rate hikes… recession risks… political turmoil… even war… 

It doesn’t matter, because this unique investment can protect and grow your wealth even while facing the harshest of headwinds.


The story starts here in the Italian town of Assisi… 

When an 18-year-old noblewoman received a message from God.

Born in 1194, Chiara Offreduccio was the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat and emissary to Rome.  

From a young age, Chiara was known as a deeply pious child – often at prayer or helping to feed the poor. 

She reportedly found the wealth gap between her family and the locals in her town to be unjust. 

While she attended balls and banquets, dined on the finest food, and lived in a luxury palazzo with servants to attend to her every whim…

The local peasants – the il contadino – were forced to scrape what they could from the land, always on the brink of starvation. 

Throughout her youth, Chiara yearned for a simple spiritual life devoted to Christianity and helping the less fortunate. 

However, as the daughter of Count De Sasso-Rosso, she was expected to marry for political purposes. 

God had other plans for Chiara, though… 

While attending church on Palm Sunday, on March 20th, in the year 1212, she received what she believed to be a sign from God.

“When others pressed forward to receive their branches of palm, I remained in my place, rapt in a dream. All eyes fell upon me as the bishop noticed me and came to place a palm in my hand. 

Stunned, I glanced down at the branch in my hands and knew it was a sign from God. That was the last time the world beheld me.”

That evening, in the dead of night, she snuck from her family’s palace and fled to the small, secluded monastery of San Damiano. 

Arriving at the monastery, she cut off her hair, cast aside her jewels, shed her rich garments… and donned a coarse tunic and thick veil. 

In the eyes of God, she renounced her wealth and pledged an oath to serve God and the church.  

Wearing no shoes, fasting, and sleeping on cold wooden floors… she dedicated her life to helping the poor. 

And it was here, in the most unlikely of places, this humble nun pioneered a new form of finance… 

An innovation she used NOT for her own gain but instead to help support and care for the less fortunate.  

Did God give her the idea?

I don’t know. That’s for you to decide.

All I know is her religious work was so influential that Pope Alexander IV canonized her as Saint Clare of the Poor. 

And the model she innovated in this remote Italian town spread throughout Christianity like wildfire. 

Kings, Queens, noblemen, merchants, and peasants began using this new financial model to protect and multiply their wealth. 

And over the next several hundred years, it would grow to become “the bedrock of modern society.”

A bedrock that has not only helped create our modern world but acts as the societal glue that holds everything together. 

As modern-day billionaire Chamath Palihapitiya says:

“[It’s] a key enabler of economic growth and backstops trillions of dollars of economic activity.”

In fact, without the invention of this financial innovation, our world would be radically different…

There would be far less prosperity and far more poverty. 

The economy would be a fraction of its size… global trade would collapse… businesses would be hamstrung… and innovation would be crippled.  

Life expectancy would be far lower… 

The prevalence of diseases far higher. 

Chances are… you wouldn’t own a home, drive a car, go on vacation, have healthcare, or enjoy any modern luxuries we take for granted.  

As one international association involved with this asset puts it…

"The absence of [this] would make progress and growth impossible.”

Yet, despite this, most people have no idea how this ancient form of finance works, let alone how to use it to grow their wealth.   

However, those who do understand it… 

They know it’s the closest thing to perfection any investment can get. 

A way to compound money year after year with unyielding efficiency and, when applied correctly, very little risk. 

Case in point, compare the returns of the S&P against these four little-known companies over the last 30 years…  

As you can see, each of them has outperformed the index by a wide margin. 

And the success of these companies was not a result of luck, a beneficial economic environment, or fad-driven product sales… 


Their outperformance was practically inevitable thanks to the immutable characteristics of what I call God’s Investment. 

You might think that’s bordering on blasphemy. 

But this investment has unique characteristics that are almost divine in nature. 

Characteristics that only exist for this business…   

… and that, in my opinion, makes it the perfect way to safely and consistently grow your wealth faster than you ever imagined. 

Of course, nothing on earth is truly divine. 

Everything touched by man is flawed. There are no risk-free investments, and even in this almost perfect business, some endeavors will fail. 

But as you will see… 

That’s hardly God’s fault. 

When executed humbly and with care, this is a virtually perfect business that serves humanity and builds wealth equitably. 

Nothing else has the potential to provide you with the same kind of extraordinarily high returns for decades to come. 

And I believe this ancient form of finance should be the core of your investment portfolio. 

But… you probably know nothing about it. 

Even though, for hundreds of years it has enriched those who understand its potential… and it will continue to do so for decades to come. 

Famines, plagues, wars, droughts, depressions, recessions, and inflationary crises… it has survived them all… 

Delivering steady and predictable growth even when facing the most catastrophic economic challenges.  

That’s why the wealthiest and most powerful financial dynasties have long used the secret of God’s Investment to protect and grow their fortunes. 

The Rothschilds – the pioneers of international banking and, at one point, the most powerful family on earth. 

The Morgans – founders of the House of Morgan, the banking conglomerate which still reigns supreme centuries later.

The Fuggers – German financiers who controlled kings, popes, and the majority of European markets in the 16th century.  

The DuPonts… the Rockefellers… the Barings… the Lloyds… the Oppenheimer family… the list goes on and on. 

Today, God’s Investment is still used by many of the wealthiest people in the world to secure their financial legacies… 

Government advisors, politicians, media moguls, billionaire CEOs, athletes, and Wall Street legends, including…   

David Einhorn, Carl Icahn, Paul Singer, John Paulson, and Warren Buffett. 

They all use this ancient form of finance because, as Joel Greenblatt, one of the world’s greatest investors, explains:

   “It’s the closest thing to a perpetual [money] motion machine you will ever see.”

Unfortunately, outside of the 1%, most people have no idea it exists.

You see, God’s Investment is unlike any other financial asset you’ve ever encountered. 

You can’t see it, hold it, or touch it… 

It can’t be analyzed like Apple or Coca-Cola… 

And the companies involved don’t hold notable patents or manufacture products… 

Instead, they exist in their own realm. 

Unique to everything else in the markets. 

And as a result, these companies are rarely – if ever – discussed in the mainstream financial media. 

Which is a tragedy because, in my opinion, nothing is more ruthlessly effective at compounding capital over the long run. 

Take this little-known company, for example… 

As you can see, the share price virtually never declines. 

In fact, it has traded higher for 40 years in a row, outperforming the S&P’s returns by almost 10x over the last several decades.

And, thanks to the unique nature of this financial vehicle, it will almost certainly continue to do so for decades to come. 

If you’d invested $10,000 in this company in 1983, it would now be worth almost 2 million dollars and counting…   

However, this relentless growth is only one part of the equation.  

These companies also pay out enormous amounts of cash to their shareholders. 

I know there is nothing miraculous about a stock that pays dividends; almost all big companies pay them… but they don’t pay dividends like this… 

See, this company doesn’t pay a “regular” dividend. 

There is no specific amount or payment schedule that’s promised to shareholders. 

And because there’s no regular payment, very few investors know about this stock. 

It doesn’t appear on high dividend-paying stock screeners, and you won’t hear Cramer ranting about it on CNBC. 

You see, it only pays “special dividends.” 

And these are often much higher than regular dividend-paying companies… and often come much more frequently.

Benefits like these are why Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, says these companies are “a license to print money.”  

Of course, not every company involved with this ancient form of finance will deliver such stunning returns – or any returns at all.  

But as you’ll see, a dozen or so companies like this – some of which I’ll name today – have delivered similar results for decades.  

And that I believe will continue to do so for decades to come… 

However, what’s most incredible about these investments, isn’t just the high, relatively low risk, and endless rates of returns… 

It’s the fact the investment doesn’t just benefit you, the owner… 

Just as Saint Clare of the Poor envisioned when she pioneered this new form of finance to help the poor citizens of Assisi… 

It benefits all of society… 

Giving security, peace of mind, and financial stability to everyone, rich and poor alike. 

And while you don’t need to agree with me that God may have been involved in its creation or be religious in any way… 

I believe so strongly in the wealth-building potential and philanthropic nature of this ancient form of investing…  

… that it’s the one type of finance I insist my kids learn and that I’m personally teaching them.  

Because I know with this knowledge they will be financially secure by the time they’re 30… and wealthy long before they reach 50. 

Today I will share exactly what I am teaching my kids… 

I’ll explain WHAT this ancient form of finance is… HOW it works… and WHY several unique characteristics make it the “perfect investment”…

An investment with returns that are so safe, secure, and endless I suspect God must have had a hand in its creation.  

I’ll also name the man who I believe understands this ancient form of finance better than any living person… 

Along with the public company he runs that you can invest in to take advantage of its miraculous wealth-building potential. 

This company is one of the foundations I’m building my kids’ inheritance upon, and I will name it for you today. 


Hi, my name is Porter Stansberry.

Almost three decades ago, I started a financial research firm with nothing to my name but a borrowed laptop. 

Working from the kitchen table of my 3rd-floor apartment in one of Baltimore’s most notorious neighborhoods… 

I wrote about the disruptions, opportunities, and risks I saw in the financial markets.

I had no “right” to do this… 

I wasn’t a stockbroker or financial analyst. 

I’d never worked for an investment bank or on Wall Street. 

And beyond having access to the SEC’s database of financial statements and annual reports, I had no special insights into corporate America.

But from that first report – published in the late 90s – my firm would grow into one of the world’s largest financial research companies. 

And while you may not have heard of me or my firm…  

For almost 30 years we were on the frontier of the financial markets… accurately predicting many of the world’s most important economic stories. 

The 1997 emerging market collapse… the Japanese 1998 banking crisis… The Dot-Com blow-up of the 2000s…

The demise of General Electric… the bankruptcy of General Motors… and the 2008 financial crisis, along with the fall of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac…

We warned of these catastrophes – and many others – long before Wall Street or mainstream financial media…

And helped our readers not only prepare for them… but also profit from them with unique, contrarian investment ideas.

  • ​Amazon at $1.50 – now up 8,042% 
  • ​​Microsoft at $26.50 – now up 847% 
  • ​​Illumina at $2.82 – now up 6,806% ​
  • ​Shopify at $2.81 - now up 999% ​
  • ​Hershey's at $39 – now up 458% 
  • ​​Among many others.

More recently, I warned the U.S. government’s unfettered money printing would lead to a crisis of American society with protests, riots, and civil unrest…

I predicted there would be rampant inflation, runs on the banks, and increasingly authoritarian control over your life and your finances. 

While each of my predictions was initially mocked by the media and political… time and time again I’ve been proven right

My research has gone on to be featured by almost every major media outlet… used by Presidential advisors… government economists… 

And even reportedly landed on Warren Buffett’s desk.  

However, there’s one story I’ve never told publicly... and it’s the one story I’ve always wanted to tell… 

The story of an investment so perfect only God could have made it. 

An investment that isn’t just “built” to perfection…

But can also deliver what can only be described as financial miracles.  

This isn’t something I say lightly…  

I don’t want you to think I’m conflating a sacred idea like God or religion with making money just for the sake of it. 

But when you fully understand this idea, you will agree that – no matter what you believe – it can only be described as miraculous. 

Take the story of Benjamin Grossbaum… 

An immigrant who arrived in New York in 1894 with nothing to his name. 

When he was one , his father died, and the family was left in a squalid apartment on the lower east side of Manhattan. 

As a child, Ben was forced to work odd jobs to help support his family. 

Standing on the street corners, he sold soda and candy to wealthy New Yorkers.   

Against all the odds, and after decades of chasing the American Dream, he eventually made enough money to raise himself from poverty. 

However, during the Great Depression, much of his hard-earned wealth was wiped out, and he found himself running out of time to rebuild his fortune.

It was then, at the age of 54, he decided to invest in this strange type of finance. 

What happened next can only be described as a financial miracle. 
Within 10 years his investment grew more than 200 times… and continued to grow decade after decade. 

A similar “miracle” occurred with Leo Goodwin, an accountant from Lowndes, Missouri. 

When he was 50 years old, Leo discovered this financial secret…

At the time, the economy was in recession, and what Leo and his wife Lillian did next must have seemed crazy to their friends...

They both quit their jobs and used $25,000 of their own money to start a business using this ancient form of finance… 

In just four years their business was bringing in $1.6 million per year. Within ten years it was generating $8 million per year. 

And by the time Leo died, he was worth $55 million.

I can personally attest to the wealth-building power of this, too. 

After discovering what I call "God's Investment”, I changed my approach to investing. 

More than a decade ago, I hired two experts in this field… 

We began analyzing the firms involved, following their quarterly results, and made them the foundation of my research company’s portfolio.  

And after studying these companies for years… 

I’ve realized if most folks only invested in these firms and no other sector, they would significantly increase their annual returns. 

Now, if you’ve followed my work in the past, you may think that’s quite the claim to make. 

After all, I’ve spent the last 26 years of my career analyzing companies, producing financial research, and recommending stocks… 

Like Microsoft at $26... 

Nvidia at $11… 

Apple at $15.78… 

And dozens of other recommendations that could have handed you enormous financial returns. 

But here’s the problem…

While I firmly believed in the potential of these companies and my analysis of them… there was no guarantee I would prove to be correct. 

This is why I typically cautioned my readers to only invest a small amount of their capital in these ideas…  

But God's Investment is different…  

It’s a type of investment you can use almost like a savings account… 

Except instead of being paid 0.2% by your bank or earning a few percent in Treasuries, you could safely grow your money by as much as 20% per year.  

That’s why I’ve always told my friends and colleagues this is where their “safe” money should be invested.

However, I’ve never publicly shared this story…


Well, for years now, we have been in a wild, speculative investment bubble brought on by the Federal Reserve.

They engineered an environment where everything – regardless of quality, value, or economic viability – surged in price. 

NFTs, meme stocks, penny stocks, the tech bubble, cryptocurrencies, the IPO boom, the explosion in day trading and options…  

It’s almost all a result of the Fed blowing trillions of dollars into the economy and keeping interest rates artificially low. 

As legendary bond investor Bill Gross explains, “our financial markets have become a Vegas casino…” 

Unfortunately, this casino-like atmosphere has caused a lot of financial charlatans to crawl out of the woodwork… 

They promised overnight riches through some garbage crypto that had zero real-world value… other than to enrich the crooks behind it. 

They offered push-the-button systems for forex and options trading… two of the riskiest things you can do with your money. 

They claimed you could make millions with “the next Amazon” or “the next Tesla…” 

I even saw one moron recommend investing in flying cars. 

Absolutely nonsensical. All of it. 

Unfortunately, during a financial bubble… 

These charlatans, who would typically be laughed out of the room, are taken seriously by people looking to get rich quick.

And I knew that if I attempted to tell this story in this environment… it would be drowned out by all the noise. 

Because what I call God's Investment is the opposite of everything you have heard over the last several years. 

It’s a boring investment that doesn’t make media headlines...  holds zero patents… rarely innovates new products… and doesn’t manufacture anything.

And while it can work wonders over the long term… turning even small sums of money into enormous fortunes… 

It’s NOT going to make you rich overnight. 

So unless you are willing to hold these companies for at least five years, but ideally a decade or longer… this is not for you.   

If you want to get rich quickly, there are plenty of people who will happily sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

I’m only interested in helping you grow your wealth safely, over the long term, with real investments, and without taking any excess risk.  

And right now, with the era of cheap money and low-interest rates ending and a recession barreling down on us…

There is arguably no better way to protect and grow your money than with God's Investment.   

Just look at how the firms involved in this ancient type of finance have sailed through previous crises… 

That’s why today – after years of waiting for the right moment – I’m finally sharing this remarkable story with you… 


It all starts with Saint Clare of the Poor. 

In the early 13th century, as the news of her religious efforts spread throughout Europe… 

Women from all across the continent traveled to the nunnery at San Damiano to join their holy mission.

They renounced their worldly possession, took a vow of poverty, and devoted their lives to serving God. 

Soon Chiara had an entire order of nuns working for her, and these women became known as The Order of Poor Clares.  

They nursed the sick and dying, educated the poor, took care of orphaned children, and even provided financial assistance to widows. 

This type of community aid had never been seen before, and it was a radical idea that gave birth to a new movement…  

Soon Christians all across Europe were embracing this concept of “mutual aid” pioneered by The Order of Poor Clares. 

Aristocrats, priests, nuns, merchants, and peasants began pooling resources within their own communities… 

So that if disaster struck an individual within the community, they wouldn’t be left destitute with no means of support. 

Over the following several centuries, these mutual aid societies grew in popularity… 

And what began as a way for Christian communities to protect themselves against the uncertainties and risks of life…

Soon evolved into more sophisticated organizations that offered protection against a broader range of risks.  

The emergence of industrialization and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries accelerated this evolution. 
Businesses sprang up to capitalize on the ever-growing need for more varied and complex forms of protection. 

As these community mutual aid societies transformed into for-profit businesses, it led to the creation of new services and pricing models. 

It was these companies that eventually evolved into what I believe is the world’s best business… 

A business that can compound capital more effectively than any other, often with far less risk. 

I’m talking, as you might have guessed, about the insurance industry… or what I call… 

Women from all across the continent traveled to the nunnery at San Damiano to join the holy mission of Saint Clare. 

They renounced their worldly possession, took a vow of poverty, and devoted their lives to serving God. 

Soon Saint Clare had an entire order of nuns working for her, and these women became known as The Order of Poor Clares.  

They nursed the sick and dying, educated the poor, took care of orphaned children, and even provided financial assistance to widows. 

This type of community aid had never been seen before, and it was a radical idea that gave birth to a new movement…  

Soon Christians all across Europe were embracing this concept of “mutual aid” pioneered by Saint Clare. 

Aristocrats, priests, nuns, merchants, and peasants began pooling resources within their own communities… 

So that if disaster struck an individual within the community, they wouldn’t be left destitute with no means of support. 

Over the following several centuries, these mutual aid societies grew in popularity… 

And what began as a way for Christian communities to protect themselves against the uncertainties and risks of life…

Soon evolved into more sophisticated organizations that offered protection against a broader range of risks.  

The emergence of industrialization and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries accelerated this evolution. 
Businesses sprang up to capitalize on the ever-growing need for more varied and complex forms of protection. 

As these community mutual aid societies transformed into for-profit businesses, it led to the creation of new services and pricing models. 

It was these companies that eventually evolved into what I believe is the world’s best business… 

A business that can compound capital more effectively than any other, often with far less risk. 

I’m talking, as you might have guessed, about the insurance industry… or what I call God’s Investment. 

Not only because of its Christian origins…

But because it’s so perfectly engineered for creating financial miracles, that it seems as though God must have created it.  

Let me show you why: 


First of all, insurance is essential… 

Without it, the global economy would come to a grinding halt. 

No deals would be done. 

Nobody would take any risks.

Healthcare, construction, finance, banking, travel, transportation, agriculture, energy… it’s all reliant on the protection provided by insurance. 

Individuals, businesses, municipalities, and even the federal Government need insurance. And they all pay it, year after year. 

As Peter Hancock, the former CEO of AIG, says:

"Insurance is the backbone of modern economies, providing individuals and businesses with the protection they need to take risks and invest in the future. 

Without insurance, the economy would be much more vulnerable to shocks and crises, and progress and innovation would suffer."

That’s why an estimated 92% of U.S. citizens are covered by insurance – that’s roughly 300 million people.

And why the law often requires you to purchase insurance – just try getting a mortgage or buying a car without it. 

This built-in, legally mandated demand means there is a never-ending demand for both new policies to be written and existing policies to be paid.

And as the global population grows, hundreds of millions more policies will be written. 

Month after month, this money flows to the insurance providers… 

And it doesn’t matter what’s going on in the wider economy… premiums keep getting paid, because the cost of not having coverage is catastrophic. 

I mean… 

You don’t need a new iPhone, car, or home… 

But you do need to know that if your house burns down… or if your car is hit… or if you need heart surgery you will be covered. 

But unlike other companies, these companies don’t need to invest their earnings in manufacturing, product development, or innovation.

They offer a simple service that’s gone unchanged for hundreds of years. 

You pay them a premium for coverage in the event of a disaster. That’s it. No bells and whistles.

And so long as the insurer underwrites effectively – taking in more in their premiums than they pay out in claims – they continue to grow exponentially. 

Take the share price of this auto insurer, for example… 

Founded in Ohio in 1937, most investors have never heard of this firm… yet for almost ninety years it has gone in one direction. 

Growing at an annualized clip of 17.7% per year…  

And it’s not the only one.

There are dozens of these obscure companies that fly under the radar, quietly making their investors wealthier year after year. 

You see, while other companies in other sectors may have a flash-in-the-pan success that sees their share price surge in the short term…

The insurance industry has a unique financial advantage that all but guarantees outperformance over the long run…

Warren Buffett calls it “the engine propelling Berkshire’s growth since 1967.”

You see, insurance is the only business in the world that enjoys a positive cost of capital.

In other words, insurance companies actually get paid to use other people's money for their own benefit. 

You see, in every other business, companies must pay for capital. 

They borrow through loans and pay interest… 

Or they raise cash through equity offerings, which dilute the value of their share and often come with dividend contributions. 

Everywhere else you look, in every other sector, in every other type of business, the cost of capital is one of the primary business considerations. 

But a well-run insurance company will routinely not only get all the capital it needs for free… it will actually be paid to accept it.

Let me reiterate this… 
Banks, brokers, hedge fund managers, companies, you name it… all of them PAY for the capital they use. 

Everyone, that is, except insurance companies who get paid to accept other people’s money. 

It’s like taking out a loan and having the bank pay YOU interest.

Here’s how it works:

When you take out an insurance policy, you start paying premiums to the insurer immediately, and you continue to do so month after month…

However, the insurer doesn’t incur any costs yet… (and if you don’t file a claim they never incur any costs on that capital.) 

In other words, you’re giving them money they don’t need to pay out until a claim is made – which could be years, decades, or perhaps never. 

This money is called the “float.”

And it’s an unfair, unique advantage to insurers… 

You see, while the majority of this money will be paid out to claimants eventually… 

For years, it’s effectively a “free” pile of cash the insurer can invest into a range of assets… 

For example… if an insurer earned 10% each year on their underwriting premiums… and they invested only in the S&P 500… 

They don’t only earn 10% in premiums… 

It’s 10% plus whatever the S&P 500 returns. 

In other words, as long as the insurer has profitable underwriting and continues to issue new policies…  

Then they essentially have a permanent and ever-growing interest-free loan they can invest however they like…  

And they get to keep ALL the returns earned on that capital. 

That’s right, they essentially get paid to invest with other people’s money, keeping all the profits for themselves.   

If all this wasn’t enough, insurers also have huge tax advantages. 

In fact, it is far and away, the most tax-privileged industry in the world. 

That’s because insurance companies don't have to pay taxes on the cash flow they receive through premiums…

Because, on paper, they have technically not earned any of that money.

Sure, it’s in their account and they can use it to invest…  

But it’s not until all of the possible claims on the capital have expired that the money is recorded as "earned."

So unlike most companies that have to pay taxes on revenue and profits before investing capital… 

Insurance companies get to invest the money first and pay taxes later. 

This is an unfair, unique advantage that allows them to compound capital at almost unimaginable rates of return. 

Imagine being able to invest all the money in your paycheck – pre-tax – and then pay your tax bill 10 years from now.

There’s no other financial asset that enjoys these advantages… They are unique to the insurance industry. 

And by leveraging these advantages, I believe you can grow a small amount of money into a potential fortune in the years ahead. 

That’s what Shelby Davis, patriarch of the famed Davis fortune, did…  

At 40 years of age, after a long string of career failures, Shelby ended up in a dead-end job.

He was a financial controller for the state of New York – about the darkest hole you can fall into in politics. 

With a growing family and virtually no savings or financial prospects, the future looked bleak. 

However, as part of his job, he was required to regulate insurance companies. 

And it was here he spotted the unique advantages they held.
Seeing the potential, he quit his job… borrowed $50k… and invested in a half-dozen insurance firms in the U.S. 

Then he looked around the world for firms governed by similar regulations, and he found another half dozen to buy in Japan.  

Then he waited… 

Within five years, his investment had multiplied more than 20 times.

When he died 50 years later, his initial $50,000 investment had grown into roughly $900 million – 8,000 times his original stake.

And while I do not promise you’ll see returns like this, or any returns at all, here’s what I can promise you… 

Investing in well-run, profitable insurance firms is one of the best ways to grow your wealth over the long term safely. 

Take this insurer, for example… 

Since 1983, it has compounded investors’ money with unrelenting efficiency decade after decade… and it will continue to do so. 

All you need to do is buy and hold. 

There are no convoluted financial strategies, trading, using leverage, or anything else. You simply invest and wait. 

And if you’re disciplined to not do anything… you’ll watch as your wealth increases more rapidly than you ever imagined. 

There is one catch, however. 

The industry is filled with complex financial concepts and obscure accounting factors and is typically not something the average person can navigate alone.

Case in point… 

The float is not disclosed in SEC filings. 

And the size of an insurance company's float is critical to understanding its value. 

Without it, it's impossible to know what the company is worth. 

So to calculate float, you need deep knowledge and understanding of financial statements. 

You need to dig through notes, filings, and analysts’ reports to uncover the value of the float and then weigh that against a myriad of other factors. 

Worse still are the accounting standards for insurance companies. 

It's easy for insurance companies to play games with their earnings. They're based essentially on the management's estimates. 

After premiums are paid, insurance companies estimate what the eventual claims on the policies will be. 

The difference is what they declare to be "earned."

Of course, the actual losses might be much more than the estimates – and with some insurance companies, they're almost guaranteed to be more. 

And since losses take years (or even decades) to emerge, it takes a long time for any aggressive accounting or actual fraud to become apparent.

This requires investors to have a great deal of trust in the managers of their insurance companies.

In this way, insurance companies are more like mutual or hedge funds, than operating companies. 

And unlike mutual funds, many of the assets insurance companies hold can only be valued by their managers.

So there's always a risk of the managers lying… or playing financial tricks to inflate their track records.

These concerns make it difficult for investors to differentiate the bad from the good, and the good companies from the great ones.

All these challenges are a benefit though…

As most people can’t correctly analyze these firms, it’s not unusual for fantastic firms to be trading far below their actual value. 

For example, Berkshire Hathaway – one of the best-run insurance companies ever – often trades at a discount…  

That’s because the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices all public companies follow miscalculates the float. 

As Buffett explains: 

“When Berkshire’s book value is calculated, the full amount of our float is deducted as a liability, just as if we had to pay it out tomorrow and could not replenish it. 

But to think of float as strictly a liability is incorrect; it should instead be viewed as a revolving fund... 

Owing $1 that in effect will never leave the premises – because new business is almost certain to deliver a substitute – is worlds away from owing $1 that will go out the door tomorrow and not be replaced. 

The two types of liabilities are treated as equals, however, under GAAP [generally accepted accounting principles].”

Analysts frequently misprice insurance firms like Berkshire Hathaway, allowing you to buy them at a steep discount for potentially far greater upside.  

Of course, knowing which insurance firm to buy and when to buy it is where the rubber meets the road. It’s not a road I’d suggest you try to travel alone.

I’m telling you right now, if you attempt to navigate the insurance markets by yourself, you will probably get crushed. 

To accurately analyze and understand these firms, you need a highly-trained team to wade through the Byzantine complexities. 

And what may seem like a well-managed company on the surface could be obscuring poor underwriting practices and massive liabilities.  

This prevents most investors from ever investing in the insurance sector, despite its obvious upside potential. 

It’s just not feasible for the average person. Even for most financial professionals it’s not feasible. 

As a result, they’re forced to ignore one of the lowest-risk, highest-upside ways to grow their wealth in any market. 

But just consider how your life would look if you’d known to invest in these companies I first recommended back in 2012… 

The good news is, it’s not too late. 

Unlike other sectors, you don’t need to get in on the ground floor to build potentially life-changing wealth.

As I’ve shown you today, a well-run insurance firm will continue compounding money slowly and steadily for decades. 

Unfortunately, most investors don’t know WHAT to buy or WHEN to buy these “perfect investments”… 

But that ends today… 

I’ve invested a fortune assembling the necessary talent to cut through the fog of the insurance industry for you. 

I’ve put together a special briefing that will take you by the hand... 

And give you everything you need to get rich slowly with God's Investment.

And there’s no better time for you to get started… 

Not only is this sector one of the best ways to protect and grow your wealth in the face of a looming recession.

But in today’s high-interest rate environment, the insurance sector is positioned to benefit.

As Charlie Munger explains: 

“In the long run, higher interest rates are good for the insurance business. It's been true for 300 years, and it's not going to change now."

That’s why Buffett and Munger continue adding insurance companies to the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio…   

And in March 2022 they purchased Alleghany for $11.6 billion – a company my team recommended two years before Buffett’s investment… 

Of course, if you want exposure to the insurance sector, you could just invest in Berkshire Hathaway.
It’s one of the finest insurance companies you can find – a true “forever stock” that has delivered annualized returns of 20% over the last 5 decades.

However, these returns won’t continue forever. As the Oracle of Omaha himself explains… 

"Our base of assets and earnings is now far too large for us to make outsized gains in the future."

So while the days of 20% annual returns are most likely over for Berkshire, it remains a company I believe all investors should own.

However, if you’re looking for far greater upside potential… there are several smaller, yet equally well-run insurers. 

Companies you’ve probably never heard of, but that have compounded investors' wealth for decades… and I believe will continue to do so. 

And in my brand-new investor briefing I want to give you all their details so you can safely grow your wealth in the years ahead.  

It’s called, GOD'S INVESTMENT.

You’ll discover everything you need to know to safely invest in insurance companies… 

... a business so perfect with returns that are so endless, it’s almost a financial miracle.  

You’ll also get a breakdown on why it’s the best business for the safe, long-term compounding of wealth…  

I’ll explain the history of insurance… how the industry works… the key economic drivers… the risks… the benefits… 

Everything you need to have a full and complete understanding of this incredible industry. 

You’ll also learn the secret to correctly valuing insurance companies… 

… the best time to buy them… 

… the one type of insurance I (and Buffett) prefer above all others…  

And, how you can use God's Investment to potentially turn even a small amount of capital into a generational fortune… 

That’s just for starters though… 

I’ve also produced THREE special briefings for you. 

Each report details a full analysis into one of our favorite insurance firms… 

Companies you’ve probably never heard of but are among the best in the world and have the potential to deliver significant returns in the years ahead. 

Each of them is broken down and analyzed in exacting detail, along with our analysis into why they are the ideal buys right now. 

Undervalued insurers you can invest in today to reap potentially colossal returns in the coming years, even as the global economy falters. 

Our Top Three Insurance Firms, Revealed

  • Special Report: The Insurer That Treads Where Others Fear
  • Special Report: The P&C Giant with Universal Market Share
  • Special Report: A Tech Whiz Kid in an Analog Industry

This is just for starters, however. 

You see, there are around three dozen other insurance firms my team monitors… and I want to give you the names of them all. 

That’s why we’ve put together a new watchlist of our top insurance companies…


This watchlist contains all our favorite insurers.

Firms that we believe could be excellent vehicles for the safe and steady compounding of your money. 

Firms we analyze and monitor on an ongoing basis… 

... and that we will add to our model portfolio when our buy signal is triggered. 

Remember, by investing when an insurer is trading at a discount to its float plus book value, you can significantly increase your returns. 

Whenever this happens – assuming it still meets all our other research criteria – we will send you a buy alert… 

… and move the firm from our watchlist to our active portfolio. 

There’s no guarantee these “watchlist” firms will be added to our portfolio as we absolutely refuse to add anything that doesn’t meet our strict criteria. 

However with access to our watchlist portfolio and our ongoing research, you’ll be the first to know whenever these firms become buys. 

And here’s the most exciting part… 

Right now, in today’s environment, is the ideal time to invest in the insurance industry…  

Not only are several of these firms trading at large discounts, but today’s heightened interest rates environment boosts their potential. 

Unlike most other companies that are negatively impacted by a slowing or recessionary economy and high-interest rates, insurers benefit. 

As the U.S. Treasury's Office of Financial Research details: 

“Rising interest rates are generally positive for the insurance industry. 

When rates rise at a reasonable pace, portfolio yields also rise. 

With these new, higher-yielding corporate and other bond purchases, insurers’ investment earnings also increase.” 

All of this is why I’ve chosen now to share this information with you… 

So if you want to profit from the unique benefits of the insurance industry and go for returns so endless they’re almost miraculous… 

There’s no better time than now.  


Typically, for access to my financial research and investment ideas, you need to invest $1,425 per year. 

And while we have thousands of members from all over the world, we are well aware that our work is out of reach for many people. 

That’s fine. Our research is not for everyone. We typically cater to a smaller, more elite group of investors. 

However, the stories I’ve told you about today are something I believe every person should have access to – regardless of their age or net worth. 

Because as I showed you… nothing has the potential to grow your money with more predictability and stability than the insurance industry. 

So for the first time in my firm’s history, we’re giving you access to our research without the $1,425 fee. 

That’s right… 

You can get your hands on:

  • Special Report: God's Investment
  • ​Special Report: The Insurer That Treads Where Others Fear
  • Special Report: The P&C Giant with Universal Market Share
  • Special Report: A Tech Whiz Kid in an Analog Industry

… for pennies on the dollar. 

Instead of investing $1,425 for access you can get this invaluable information for a fraction of what others paid. 

However, these insurance reports are not all that we have set aside for you today. 

As I mentioned earlier, almost three decades ago I started a small financial research firm from my kitchen table. 

That company grew to become one of the world’s largest, independent financial research firms with millions of subscribers all around the world.

And during that time, I’m proud to say we helped countless people from all walks of life grow their wealth significantly. 

However, in December 2020, I retired to allow my firm to continue growing as a public company, renamed “MarketWise.” 

My old firm went public in July 2021, in a $3 billion NASDAQ IPO. 

While I’m proud of that business (and continue to be among the largest shareholders), I prefer the independence of running my own small shop. 

That’s why, after a brief retirement, I decided to start a new firm in the headquarters of my tractor barn. 

Nobody gets to tell me what I can and can’t write… and I don’t have to meet any demands for growth. 

We have zero meetings. We just work together – literally all sitting next to each other in the hay loft – to research and publish major investment ideas. 

We are searching for big themes that will last a decade or longer. 

We want to identify ideas that we believe are way ahead of the market and that our readers will not find anywhere else. 

I own Porter & Co. — and with a little help from you, it will remain that way.  

At this point in my career, my independence and the ability I have to serve you – and only you – is the most valuable trait I have to offer you. 

I cherish that freedom, and I believe it will create a much better outcome for you too.

God's Investment I told you about today is a quintessential “Porter Story.” 

The kind of major opportunities I have focused on my entire career, and as my track record proves, can make early investors a fortune.

  • ​Amazon at $1.50 – now up 8,042% 
  • ​​Microsoft at $26.50 – now up 847% 
  • ​​Illumina at $2.82 – now up 6,806% ​
  • ​Shopify at $2.81 - now up 999% ​
  • ​Hershey's at $39 – now up 458% 
  • ​​Among many others.

I’m not interested, personally, in trying to jump on the latest craze or invest in a small stock that’s going to go up a little next week. 

I want to find opportunities that I can invest in for years and years that can generate real, lasting wealth. 

The kind of wealth that I can depend on, that I can plan on, and that can sustain my family for decades, no matter what happens to the economy. 

If that’s what you’re looking for too, then I want to make you a very special offer that we’ve never made before at Porter & Co.

As I mentioned earlier, access to my firm’s research typically costs $1,425 per year. 

But because the opportunities I’ve focused on today are so important, so potentially enriching, and so urgent… 

I want to make sure that as many people as possible can get their hands on these new briefings. 

That’s why, instead of investing $1,425 for access, you can get instant access to these new briefings for just one investment of $1,425 $199… 

That’s an 87% discount. 

A savings of more than $1,220

And that’s all you’ll ever pay. There’s no ongoing fees, no annual subscriptions. Nothing

Plus, there's one more bonus I’ll tell you about in just a moment. 

Now to be clear: this is the first time we’ve ever made an offer like this. And it may be the last. 

We invest millions of dollars per year in our research and giving it away for so little is not how we typically operate. 

That’s why I suggest you take advantage of this special discounted offer while it’s still available. 

All you have to do is click the button below now.  

You’ll be taken to a secure, encrypted webpage where you can review everything waiting for you and take advantage of this offer.

After you purchase these briefings, I’m also going to add you to an exclusive, private newsletter. 

This bonus access-pass costs you nothing but will give you ongoing research advice from the analyst team here at Porter & Co. 

Every week you’ll receive a new briefing exploring the most important, yet often overlooked, factors influencing the markets. 

Outside of research teams inside hedge funds, banks, and private equity firms, there’s no one producing research like this.  

We invest millions of dollars each year to bring you the best, most valuable, and potentially profitable research available. 

Our team includes Wall Street legends like Martin Fridson, former fund managers, Fortune 100 consultants, and more. 
And you’ll get this weekly report sent directly to you – forever – when you accept today’s special offer. 

What’s more, you’ll also get access to one more special briefing that, until now, has been reserved for our paying members. 



This is one of my most controversial reports ever...

It reveals a nearly foolproof way to profit on the growth of poverty in America.

It details a subprime auto lender. Now, owning shares of a business making subprime loans to poor people isn’t going to endear you to the progressives.

But I don’t care… 

This business is phenomenal. 

It’s profitable, capital efficient, and generated 63% free cash flow margins over the last five years, and today trades at just 13x earnings. 

And when you take advantage of this special offer you will get instant access to this bonus investor briefing, at no extra cost.

Just click the button below now to secure your massive $1,200+ discount… your bonus reports… your bonus newsletter access… and everything discussed today. 


  • 87% DISCOUNT on Porter Stansberry's research
  • Saving of more than $1,200 (access usually costs $1,425)
  • Special Briefing: God's Investment
  • Special Briefing: The Insurer that Treads Where Others Fear
  • Special Briefing: A Tech Whiz in an Analog Industry
  • Special Briefing: The P&C Giant with "Universal" Market Share
  • ​BONUS Report: The Goldman Sachs of White Trash
  • ​Weekly investment insights from Porter Stansberry
  • Plus much, much more.

To take advantage of this special discounted offer, simply click the button below now while it’s still available. 

Or, if you prefer, you can call my office to speak with my team. 

All the details are listed on the next page, so go ahead and click the link below now while this offer is still available.  

I look forward to serving you. 


Porter Stansberry 

  • 87% DISCOUNT on Porter Stansberry's research
  • Saving of more than $1,200 (access usually costs $1,425)
  • Special Briefing: God's Investment
  • Special Briefing: The Insurer that Treads Where Others Fear
  • Special Briefing: A Tech Whiz in an Analog Industry
  • Special Briefing: The P&C Giant with "Universal" Market Share
  • ​BONUS Report: The Goldman Sachs of White Trash
  • ​Weekly investment insights from Porter Stansberry
  • Plus much, much more.

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